Kansas City is a popular place for bicycles. It’s an environmentally friendly way to get around, great exercise, and an enjoyable ride.

Whether you’re a commuter or a weekend rider on nature trails, Kansas City has multiple trails for you to ride and explore. But no matter what trail you ride on, there’s always a risk of an accident.
Although bicycles are still considered vehicular traffic, many drivers don’t share the road and treat two-wheeled commuters with disdain. Driver negligence and failing to observe the rights of bicyclists are frequently the cause of these accidents. If you’re riding in an area where you share the road with vehicles, an accident on the back of a bicycle can be devastating.
A negligent motorist who collides with a rider can be held responsible for damages associated with the rider’s injuries, property damage, or wrongful death.
How Accidents Can Happen
A lot of motorists simply don’t see a bicycle coming, especially if the bicycle gets into the driver’s “blind spot.” But drivers are required to exercise a reasonable amount of care with two-wheeled vehicles. An accident usually means the driver was negligent.
Other ways you can get into an accident with a motorist:
- Intersections or left-hand turns
- Car door opening without warning
- Vehicle backing up
- Motorist failing to yield
- Drunk or drugged drivers
- Distracted drivers (i.e., texting while driving)
Bicycle accident injuries can include:
- Broken bones
- Lacerations (i.e., “road rash”)
- Soft tissue injuries
- Amputations
- Jaw and dental injuries
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Fatalities
You can mitigate some of the physical damages with a properly-fitting bike helmet, protective clothing, lights and flashers, and other safety gear. But accidents with a vehicle may still happen.
If You’re In An Accident On Your Bike
The first thing you need to do is contact law enforcement to file a police report. Stay at the scene of the accident so that the other driver can be identified (if possible.)
Use your cell phone or smartphone to take pictures. You’ll want many shots of the accident scene as well as pictures of your injuries and your bike if it was damaged. If you can’t take as many pictures as you need, ask a or someone with you for help. Photograph, but leave any damaged clothing or property in that condition, since it may be used as evidence later.
Get names and contact information of witnesses, if there were any. You may need them to assist you with pictures or speak with your attorney later.
Additionally, get the driver’s name, address and insurance information, but don’t negotiate or discuss the accident with them. You could say something that could later damage your case.
Once law enforcement clears you, immediately seek medical attention for your injuries. While you may be tempted to avoid the emergency room, you may not realize how injured you are. Some injuries may not show symptoms immediately. Medical records establish your injury claim. If your case goes to court later, the other party will claim your injuries weren’t severe enough to warrant a claim.
When you’re home from the hospital and are physically able, contact a bicycle accident attorney who can help you investigate your case. Do not speak to an insurance company before you speak with an attorney. Insurers will try to discredit you or settle your case for a small amount of money that won’t cover your expenses. Let your attorney negotiate with the insurer.
KC’s Bicycle Accident Attorneys
We want you to enjoy your bike riding, but we also want you to be safe. A bicycle helmet can protect you from catastrophic and traumatic brain injuries. If you’re in an accident, we’re ready to help you recover damages while you heal.
Since 1918, The Popham Law Firm has been representing people just like you in all types of personal injury cases. We’ll be happy to review your case, let you know if you have one, and how to proceed. Contact us at (844) 243-2288 or (use our online contact form) to get started.